Saturday, May 26, 2012

New and different type of Space Elevator

As per video there is a big chain of objects orbiting earth at lower orbiting level, theory is the objects at lower orbiting level to earth orbiting very fast and the speed is 1-8km/sec,and the chain of object also orbiting at the same speed. At the present world decided to build space elevator on the concept that one big object tie to earth surface , so as earths surface move around the earth so the object also move around the globe with more speed than its surface so the cable between earth and object get tension and through that we can climb space The cable should be long enough around 100000km but the problem is any existed element not able to take its own weight of the cable 100000km long. It all concepts is great but there are a limit, so I have designed new concept of space elevator which can be made which low budget because we may use steel as a cable which chipper than carbon nanotube cable and we can make it in plenty of amount easily. My concept is there is a big chain of objects orbiting earth at lower orbiting level, theory is the objects at lower orbiting level to earth orbiting very fast and the speed is 1-8km/sec,and the chain of object also orbiting at the same speed, now we use the speed which can help to escape from gravity, you must be know that the bullet fired from the gun go straight steel its speed of 1-2km/sec remain in it, gravity dont work on it at the speed. As I mentioned there will be ring around the globe and orbiting at the speed 1-8km/sec ...

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